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IBM i PTF Information

There are at least three good reasons to make sure these corrections are installed on your system.

    1. This will ensure you are using the best possible version of the operating system, with most known problems already taken care of.
    2. If you should happen to encounter a software problem, IBM can resolve the issue much more quickly.
    3. When you upgrade to a new release or version of software, this will make the job go much more smoothly.

IBM i Access Client Solutions

IBM i Access Client Solutions is the newest member of the IBM i Access family. It provides a Java based, platform-independent interface that runs on most operating systems that support Java, including Linux, Mac, and Windows™.

Make sure to address the current security vulnerabilities in AC

Download the current Version to address these:
Current Download
Current OS Release is V7R5
Current Server Hardware is Power 10
Contact us for help in getting current!